Bedroom Mapping Project

Hi Everyone,

I hope your week is off to a great start and you all had an enjoyable Monday! The boys and girls in 1B are VERY excited about their new homework project and just in case their assignment sheet got lost in transition from school to home today, I wanted to send along a note explaining it a bit further.

The class has been asked to create a model/shoebox diorama or a drawn map of their bedroom. They’ve had a chance to view other projects today to get their creative juices flowing and to begin to imagine what they would like their project to look like and what they’d like to include.  They are encouraged to use small boxes, fabric, paper, bottle caps, small toys or anything else they can find around home to recreate (as best they can) what their bedroom looks like, has in it, and what is on the walls or on the ceiling. They may also choose to draw & label their room on paper, build it using Lego or blocks, create it on the computer/Minecraft, or any other way they can come up with to complete the activity. Whatever they construct, it should be no larger than a shoebox or a small box and it should be something they can transport with ease from home to school.

We are accepting donations of any spare shoe boxes in the next day or two so if you have any collecting dust in a closet or basement somewhere and you’d like to get rid of them, we will gladly take them off of your hands!

Here are some examples of completed projects that other students have designed.

room map 1 room map 2 room map 3 room map 4 room map 5 room map

Have fun and I can’t wait to see their creations next Tuesday, May 19th!  (If their project is completed early, they can take it to school when it is ready.)

Mrs. Marinosyan

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